
What is Data Science?

Data science is a field of Big Data geared toward providing meaningful information based on large amounts of complex and Unstructured data. Data science, or data-driven science, combines different fields of work in statistics and computation in order to interpret data for the purpose of decision making for the business users. Data + Science = Data Science I thought its easy to learn the data science since i am from Science Background and good in Math till my 12th. but i am finding very difficult and even dont know where and how to start. After browsing through the internet about Data Science i released that its applying your math and Statistics on structured or Unstructured data. Example : we have facebook everyday we like 100 videos from different sources but if somebody wants to know which Video is watched most in Europe region on specific week with average seconds time spent by user. so we have data of 100 thousands users from Europe and we need to apply Math to find the ...